I don't know what possessed me to send my comment before I had finished it, I am in Florida since the late 1960's and although Congressman Frost is not my Congressperson, I am certainly also going to try to conference with him as well and certainly together with Mr. Dahl. Florida itself is one of the biggest discriminators around against ex-cons. There are plenty of "criminal justice reform issues" crying out for commonsense legislation if there are people in Congress willing to listen. My feeling is that the more the advocacy can be broadened the more money that can be raised and the bigger the voices. Again, thank you Mr. Pesca.

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Wonderful article and story. Thanks to Mr. Pesca's bringing us this I'll be following up with Mr. Dahl for a wide variety of family, Allentown*, and other reasons. Unfortunately, those that had been in jail for drug reasons are not the only "ex-cons" discriminated against and my question is whether broadening the scope of advocacy beyond repealing "the Strom Thurmond Act" to help for more types of ex-criminals might be helpful.* Re; Allentown: Where my Dad, now deceased, but lived there since 1961 and was exceptionally politically connected with buildings named after him there to this day.

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