For what it's worth, assuming you have Adam's email, may just want to hit him up there. :-)

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It's too bad cancel culture debate ended at two letters - I was certainly hoping for some robust back and forth. Just based on what there is, I think you had the better argument, but you had an advantage in going second.

On mass shootings, it's curious the incidents themselves are not well-mined for patterns unlike, for instance, airplane crashes or terrorist attacks. Usually be the time the details come out (and the actual facts as opposed to the inevitable early speculation and mis-reporting), people have moved on.

What's most depressing to me is this repeating pattern where most everyone says their ideological catechisms for a few days after a mass shooting and then goes on with their lives until the next one - or at least the next one that goes "viral" since only some do.

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What happened to Letter 4?

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I was only assigned every other letter.

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Its in the mail.

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