
Is That BS? : Fluoride

And would those beautiful smiles be the same without it?

Sadie Dingfelder wrote about RFK and Fluoride yesterday in an article for Pesca Profundities. Video of Sadie’s past “Is that Bullshit” segment on The Gist podcast can be seen here, and all other video interviews are available on The Gist’s YouTube Channel. Sadie is a regular guest in The Gist’s recurring “Is That Bullshit?” segment.

Many American municipalities fluoridate their water supplies in hopes of lowering the number of cavities in our teeth. Yet the effects of fluoride have become a favorite subject for conspiracy theorists who claim that it is lowering IQs, and ruining and weakening teeth and bones.

Mike and Sadie Dingfelder, who both come from the world of the fluoridated, discuss the reason fluoride made it into US water in the first place, ask if there is a health benefit for tap-water drinkers across the country, and answer the question: The amount of Fluoride in American water is actually dangerous…Is that Bullshit?

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